Traditional Rigging have a wealth of experience working on a variety of Tall Ship rigs. This is predominantly maintenance and restoration work, often on ships of great historical value. Below is a selection of Square Rigged Tall Ships that Traditional Rigging have worked on over the years.
Cutty Sark - HMS Gannet - Earl of Pembroke - SS Great Britain
HMS Victory
Initial surveys and an intensive maintenance programme revealed that the HMS Victory needed a complete de-rig. This required a full team of rope access technicians and extensive crane work.
- Removal of all running rigging
- Removal of yards, spars & masts
- All Standing rigging bar the lower masts
All work contracted out by Ian Bell of Bell Rigging.
Kaskelot underwent a complete restoration in 2014.
Traditional Rigging were involved in the initial de-rig of the yards and again to complete standing rig splicing & seizing.
The Golden Hinde
Running rig maintenance and maintaining safety standards.
The Matthew
The Matthew is a replica of the boat sailed by John Cabot from Bristol to Newfoundland in 1497.
Traditional Rigging performed a rigging maintenance schedule between 2010-2014.
TS Pelican
New rig installation of a pioneering design based on Xebec rig, allowing Pelican to sail closer to the wind than any Tall Ship had done previously.
HMS Warrior
Half Moon replacement alongside a thorough running maintenance programme of remedial works.